Bordering the northern edge of Parque Nacional Queulat, the Río Figueroa flows through a beautiful valley of old growth forest. Cordillera Queulat and Sierra Negra peek above the horizon.
Excluding some excellent drops in the gorge above Puente Figueroa (which is on Rio Pico), most of the run contains intermittent class II-III boulder garden rapids. If you put in on Lago Verde (elevation 260 meters), a big class V rapid must be negotiated just above the confluence with the main stem. You can preview most of the run from the road parallels the river, except for a short, narrow canyon towards the bottom. Below the take-out, the river flows class II for many kilometers down to Lago Rosselot.
From La Junta, 151 km south of Chaitén, drive east approximately 60 km towards Lago Verde.. Put in either at Lago Verde (260 meters elevation) or in the meadow at the confluence of the Río de Los Nevados and Río Pico (elevation 290 meters). Take out 10 km downstream from Puente Figueroa along the road at elevation 200 meters. The 12 km stretch beginning on the Rio Pico put-in has average drop of 40 FPM and best run in spring and early summer months before the Pico gets too low. This signifies a level at the takeout of 1500 to 2500 CFS.
This class II•IV+ run has wilderness feel but it is somewhat roadside and due to its length makes for good multi-day option. If you choose to go further there are additional takeout options but where the road leaves the river you will be committed to floating into Lago Rooselot and crossing a few km to the exit side of the lake.
Note below Lago Rosselot the river continues down to the Carretera Austral. This 12 km stretch sports some world class fishing and is home to several lodges. It is mostly class 2 with one distinct class 4 drop a few km’s into the run. Takeout on lower stretch is at Puente Rooselot. Put in at a boat launch just below a bridge at exit of lake beside Puente Rooselot # 1.
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