This website was created by Kurt Casey and Fields Marshall.
Kurt Casey lives in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with son Pablo, and daughter Luna Rayen and previously in Pucon in the 9th region of Southern Chile.
Kurt has started another website called a Kayakers Guide to Peru
Pablo Casey age 7 Rio Desague foto by Demshitz
Fields Marshall is a website developer and whitewater enthusiast who lives in Pucon, Chile with his family.
Many of the posts were taken from the notes of John Foss. John was in process of writing a Chilean whitewater guide when he was pinned and killed on the first descent of Rio Huallabama in Peru in 1998. John’s posts are noted as posthumously.
Other contributors to this site are Jared Seiler, Ian and Evan Garcia, Robby Dastin, Mariann Saether, and Nathan Sullivan
Dear Kurt, dear Fields,
I’m pretty impressed by the enourmous amount of information you provide on this website. Unfortunately, I have to admit that I’m not as advanced as you are and that I’m rather into packrafting combining class 2/3 rivers with some trekking than into class 4/5 “advanced” whitewater kayaking. Actually, I don’t know if you’re in a position to help me out, but I’m planning to travel with a friend to Chile in March 2019 and we’re currently trying to gather some information on where to start such packrafting tour. I’ve spent three years of my life in Chile, but unfortunately this was way before I got into packrafting…so, I’m well aware that starting from Santiago we should rather travel south, but I’m not quite sure if we should rather stay in the Pucón/Villarica region or rather head to the southern part of the región de los lagos or even somewhere in the región de Aysén. Also, I know March is usually not the perfect season given that some rivers dry out during summer, but as I’m rather looking for some class 2/3 rivers we thought we might still be lucky. We’re not afraid of leaving the beaten path as we’re travelling with our tent and can transport food for several days…so in case you have any information at hand, we’d appreciate if you could help us out.
Best regards from Germany,
Hi. I led a descent of the Rio Simpson from source to sea in 1991 with a team of 12 from Operation Raleigh. We dragged Avon mark 7 inflatables onto the ice field to start the journey then spent @ ten days going down the Simpson ending at the sea near Puerto Aysén. It was filmed for a TV series.
Porque mi espanol no bueno voy a ir a escribir en ingles. Si no comprende, lo siento, por favor hablame que y puedo enviar las preguntas otra en espanol.
Responde en su idioma que prefiere. Gracias para su tiempo y favor.
I’m a whitewater kayaker and raft guide from Banks, Id on the Payette River. We host NFC – I’ll fly to Santiago on November 5th in order to run whitewater on the Rios de Maipo, Fui, y Futaleufú from November – March/April.
Do you have comments on these resources and/or any other resources you’d recommend?
Are you familiar with the river guide companies around, who are they and how can I contact them? Are there other communities revolved around whitewater sports you’d recommend?
Do you know anything about the work visa process? I’d like to work as both a river guide and a website engineer. On that note your website is good and could help you expand or update if you ever had the desire to.
I’ll arrive in Santiago with this equipment
– breakdown paddle, helmet, pfd, spray skirt, dry top, swimshorts, sandals
– climbing shoes, chalkbag, and harness
– ?trainer kite
I’ll need a kayak. Do you have recommendations on acquiring one in Santiago or near the Rio Maipo for when I arrive in November?
Thanks for your help. Please provide any additional information you think would be beneficial!
Porter Wilcox